Welcome to
Multi-Functional Soft Materials LAB
Welcome to MFSM Lab
The vision of Multi-Functional Soft Materials lab is to create novel functional soft materials based on physics, chemistry and biology. The research areas of our lab can be divided into three main areas: ionics, biomedical engineering and soft materials.
In ionics, using the ionic conductivity of hydrogels or ion gels, various functional devices that overcome the limitations of existing electronic-based devices (i.e., stretchability, transparency, biocompatibility, etc.) have been developed.
In biomedical engineering, thanks to the biocompatibility and chemical-dissolving ability of hydrogels, studies for biomedical treatment have been conducted.
For soft materials research, studies to improve the physical, chemical, and electrical limitations of hydrogels and various types of soft materials are being carried out.

미래를 향한 강한 도전정신을 가진 대학원생을 모집합니다.
(선정윤 교수 (jysun@snu.ac.kr)에게 연락바랍니다.)
We are looking for graduate students who have strong pioneer spirit.
(Please contact Prof. Jeong-Yun Sun (jysun@snu.ac.kr))